Thank the Lord we can start to meet in person again! We will have the youth meeting in an hybrid format. Some basic information on the meeting:
- When: Fridays at 7:30PM
- Where: 217 Finch Ave. E, Toronto
- How: In Person if comfortable, otherwise, online on Zoom
Please arrive enter the zoom call by at 7:25pm so that we have as few interruptions as possible.
To join the online Zoom meeting:
- Zoom ID: 499 351 2850
- Zoom Passcode: 989898
- Go to
- If you already have the app, it should ask you to open Zoom.
- Otherwise, click “download and run Zoom” and run the Zoom installer.
- The passcode for the meeting is: 989898
- You can join with or without video, however we encourage you to turn it on!
- Please select join with computer audio.
- After entering the Zoom meeting, please click the “Breakout Rooms” icon and join the “Youth Group” room.
- Please join the meeting at 7:25pm so that we have as few interruptions as possible.
- During the meeting, keep your microphone muted unless you are praying or sharing.
- Also, don’t forget to let your parents know that you are attending the meeting!